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5 Tips to speed up Recovery after Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Prehab Ramps-Up Results of Rehabilittaion

Recovering after a total knee replacement can be tough. It can take a good 6 to 8 weeks to get back to normal activity. Rehab can take even longer if you work in a hard work industry or participate in some sports. 

Prehab therapy exercises can help you to gain muscle strength and increased your range of motion of knee.

The main focus of prehab exercise is regaining your muscle strength and knee extension and range of motion. Prehab exercises also focuses on strengthening your core muscles so you can support yourself without injuring other parts of your body after total knee replacement surgery. 

When you’re anxious about a major surgical procedure, it’s easy to overlook that after surgery you are weak and required to use more of your upper body at times. That's why it is important to have a strong core to support your body weight during recovery and beyond.


Focus on your Knee Mobility Early and Often

Don’t be sedentary. Keep your knee joints moving even if it hurts. Sometime it is painful to move and do the recommended exercises, but the alternative is more worse. Being sedentary causes your knee joints and muscles to stiffen up, leading to loss of knee extension and range of motion. 

Moving often promotes  blood flow, and reduces swelling in joint. It also helps reduce the amount of scar tissue that forms after surgery, while keeping your muscles loose and nerves happy. 


Getting your knee to bend as far as it can, will help decrease pain getting in and out of a car, getting up from a chair. 

Even more important is knee extension or getting your knee all the way straight to help you walk normal, allows for the quadriceps muscle to start working, and prevents serious amounts of scar tissue build up.

Exercise Multiple Times a day

Get yourself on a routine as quickly as possible after surgey. Set timers and specific periods during the day to do your exercises. The quicker you get in this habit, the faster you’ll recover. 

Keep a notepad in your to record your daily range of motion measurements. Tracking these will make it easy to see if you are going in the right direction. Write down which exercises you do, how often, and how many repetitions you complete.  

It’s important to get your knee straight and quadriceps working as early as possible.

Rushing up for Recovery Can Have Adverse Effects

Relying on crutches or a walker can be a huge pain, due to  

  • Prolonged use can lead to calluses around your arms. 
  • You can’t carry anything unless it is in a backpack
  • Wet floors and other obstacles can lead to risk of re-injury
  • Walkers are a bit awkward to get around walkways

However annoying and restrictive these supports may be; don’t chuck them out the back door yet. Walking without aid too soon poses you at higher risk of reinjury.  Keep using your walking-aids until you get the all-clear from your doctor.

 Don’t rush for recovery your body’s natural healing process by over-doing it. 

These tips are intended to help speed up your recovery after TKR. Everyone heals and responds to pain differently after surgery. A little pain is normal while recovering and exercising after TKR. If you are in constant pain or if exercising increases your pain, discontinue doing what hurts and speak with your surgeon and physical therapist. You may be having something else going on or might be trying to do too much too soon



Proper Nutrition, Rest, and Sleep

Proper hydration and nutrition are essential to the healing process after any surgery. 

Eating foods high in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins will give your recovering body the boost it needs after surgery. Your body has been put under a lot of stress and needs time to recoup and fight infection. 

Another very important part of the healing process is getting plenty of sleep.  Do whatever it takes to create a comfortable & peaceful place to get some rest. Your body has the best healing potencial while you are asleep.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for a medical appointment. Please refer to your physician before starting any exercise program.


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